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Chia-Fen Wu, soprano (Taiwan)

Yu-Hsiang Hsieh, baritone (Taiwan)

Hein Boterberg, piano



Maurice Ravel - from Shéhérazade part 1: Asie (Tristan Klingsor)


Folk songs from China

Guo Song - Boatmen's song on the Usuri river

Ching Chu - I live at the source of the Changjiang river

Shi Shin-Hai - An ode to the yellow river


Granville Bantock

from Songs from the Chinese poets set 1

Under the moon (LI-Tai-Po / Launcelot Alfred Cranmer-Byng)


from Songs from the Chinese poets set 3

Yung Yang (Bai Juyi / Launcelot Alfred Cranmer -Byng)


from Songs of the East V: Songs of India

Prayer to Vishnu (Helen Maude Francesca Bantock)

By the Ganges (Helen Maude Francesca Bantock)


from Songs of the East IV: Songs of Persia

The Simurgh (Helen Maude Francesca Bantock)



Robert Schumann - uit Myrten: Talismane (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Franz Schubert - Suleika 1 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Robert Schumann - uit Myrten: Aus den Ostlichen Rosen (Friedrich Rückert)

Franz Schubert - Suleika 2 (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)


Folk songs from Japan 

Kosaku Yamada - The red dragonfly

Traditional folk song: Sakura (Cherry flower)


Folk songs from Taiwan and China

Lu Chung-Sheng - The bottom of wine cups is not for breeding goldfish (drinking song)

Yang San-Lan - I yearn for your return

Tse Huang (China) - The three wishes of the rose

De-Chu Hsu (China) - Ye Li Luo

Chin-Huai Wu / Tai-Hao Ran - The dark moon 

© 2017 by Hein Boterberg. All rights reserved

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